Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It feels great to have decorated the house.

It feels great to have attended to a respectable number of guests at home.

It feels great to have treated the younger siblings at McDs and Dominos because this miser feels generous today.

It feels great to have pampered Pa like a child because his mood was off in the morning.

It feels great to have dressed up nicely today, wearing a suit I bought 2 years back, and got stitched a year back, and finally wearing it for the first time today. (Ofcourse, the fitting wasn't that great though)

It feels great to have a serious puja session in the evening, because the music was good.

But what I have felt best about are the facts that a muslim senior wished me, in office, and through an SMS and, that a christian auntie from the neighbourhood bakes a cake for us every Diwali.
I am not very fond of the fact that we have so many religions in our country, because this fact only contributes to more filth in the name of politics, and nothing more. We as Indians live more as humans than as a Hindu or a muslim or a christian in our day to day lives. Practicing our respective religion has become more of a personal issue than a cultural issue. But anyway, it felt great to have shared our celebrations with people who don't call themselves Hindus.

Festivals are one reason I majorly love my country for(no, not for the morals and all anymore). Not only because the country has given me the number and frequency of holidays in 1 year, no other country can, but also because no matter what religion or state or culture one belongs to, everyone has a right to celebrate so many festivals, just so many of them.

This brightness, these colors, this happiness, this spreaded light of little wicks across the horizon seems like such a heaven, no matter whatever the reason be, return of Ram - the king, Ram - the God, Ram - the perfect, or Ram - just another character in a story called Ramayan with his wife and brother, whether it's all for real, part of our very own history, or just a sacred story, whatever be the reason and it's source, i'm glad we have another day to celebrate in our lives, every year, another reason to smile, see everyone around us smile, and make genuine efforts to make others smile and all this, coming year after year after year, for generations.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

GM to GN

Nothing unusual has happened today. Nothing majorly severe. No great cause of happiness. No deep haunting sorrows. No excitement. No monotony.

Yet I have an urge to write for I know I'll be more than glad to read this post when I have a different routine (or most expectedly, no routine at all) maybe around ten years down the line.

I woke up at around 8.30, with a million unavoidable elements in the world, existent and non existent, to disturb me sleeping. I have to confess that I am just not a morning person, however much I love mornings, their freshness and the healthiest of spirits one gets on waking up early in the morning.
I opened my eyes to the brightest of the ray of the sun, as the curtains were up in time. This so pushed me to wrap myself in the quilt again, but Mommy dearest is at the peak of her anger when I'm late.. and I witness this peak almost everyday. No, I'm not proud of this, but the strongest of the reasons have failed to empower my will power to wake up in time, if not even "early." Anyway, everyone was busy in their routine tasks when I woke up. Pa was going to take a bath and get ready for office. He still gave me a wide smile. I love people who forgive me with a smile :-) I love Pa.
Ma was busy in the kitchen, instructing the maid. New instructions everyday! The maid was very busy trying to catch up with Ma's fast hand at work. Ma wished me goodmorning as I entered the washroom.

The washroom deserves quite some details. The FM is on as we turn the light on. So, there was one of those peppy bollywood number playing on fm 98.3. I stared at the light grey, black and white rocks on the tiles, as I wait for the radio to start with a better number or else I change the station. Anyway.

I was then fresh enough to realize that I was quite late for office. I hurried up, ran to my room, raised my eye-brows on seeing bro almost falling down from my bed, all pillows on the floor, quilt under him, and he, shivering, sleeping, still. Ahhhh....
Anyway, I tried fetching for some good clothes that I have. Gosh, my wardrobe! There was a time I exemplified myself, on having the most maintained wardrobes in the house, to the younger siblings, and look at it now! Whatever! I wondered if I could find something that I had not worn in the last one week or something like that. But I wish I had a better memory. I excused myself from such a pain and rushed in the washroom with whatever I could grab.
The bath MUST be accompanied by the best of the songs. So, I can wait for the entire day for one good song on the radio. If I am lucky, I don't need to switch to much of the stations. Today, I switched to around 3-4 stations to get to one of the latest likes - from the movie "yuvraj ."

Ran out of the steaming washroom with wet feet. Ma laughed. The maid, not undersanding what the joke was, followed the laughter with the same. Everyday I wonder if the conditioner is finished or not. But today, again, I could squeeze out some more, comfortably. I ran to the sister's room for a moisturiser. The sister and I share these little things, half of them in her room, half of them in mine.

I picked my hand-bag up (the one that the bro bought and the one which matches wiht almost all my clothes) , drank a mug of milk(!!) and ran with the car keys. I heard Badima asking me slow down while I took the car out of the parking. I don't like the music when it reverses. It is an instrumental version of "words" but the instrument used is too loud and urrggghhhh. Also, it makes the weird people and not-so-weird people turn around to see who's car it is.

Anyway, I fixed the radio on it, and drove with pleasure, fast, not rash. I encountered a lot of traffic on the U-turn. The office is very close to my house, but the way to it is longer than the way back.

I reached office 10 min late. And that bit is allowed.
I wished the seniors a good morning. And they replied with a smile. I settle down, turn the computer on and wait for it to boot. I have a strange computer at my desk. It functions very slowly initially, say, for about an hour(!), and then the speed is great. At other desks, SAP was slow the entire day, but I had to lament about the speed only for the first hour. It didn't let mecomplain later. But yes, the forst hour needs too much of patience. And I do have it, I havn't broken the computer yet!! I only keep hitting it.

The lunch break is anytime after 1 pm. There are no fixed timings. There are very few people with whom I'd go to have lunch with. If they've already had it, I am happy having it alone, than let a moron accompany me. So, like many other days, I had my lunch alone today. The food was very good, unlike yesterday. The sweet served was gulab-jamun but I couldn't even finish it, the lunch was very heavy.

I feel like sleeping after lunch. But.............. but..................but!!! Well, the work storms in after around 4 pm. As if, we were all abso-bloody-lutely free before that. And the office timings increase, the work load gets more and more severe. Anyway, we somehow get to finish it around 7-8pm.

I reached home dead tired. Ma was cooking in the kitchen while I was shouting for food!! Pa cooled me down, and thought of a joke and when that didn't work, he got me started on what happened in office today. Everything was so damn usual that hardly did I have anything to narrate. So, I quietly waited for the dinner to get ready, and filled my mouth with something and something, secretly.

Then, when I have gained so much of energy, I bump into my siblings to have loads of fun. We're funny and damn entertaining when we're together. The bro comes late - at around 9.30-10 pm after his coaching for his exams. So, till that time, the sister and I chat a lot about fun stuff as she keeps her head down,staring at her books, pretending to study.

I have no clue as to what I keep doing till 11-12 but I just don't sleep before this time, till the time Badima doesn't switch the lights off and pretend sleeping. She's another one! Once, I've switched the tv off, she would stand up thinking of a hundered things to do. Then she would finally switch the lights off at around 2!!
So, 12-2 am is my official day-dreaming period. The time I think about my life, my work, the country, the country-men, the dirty politics, the pleasant weather, the past, the present and the future.

It's a dry routine that I have. But I atleast I don't have to think of ideas to kill time, atleast I'm somehow passing my time with smiles all over. I know I'm walking aimlessly at a path I don't know the destination of. I am not aware of it's directions, it's hurdles, it's smoothness, it's meaning. I hope I am able to find an aim in life very soon.

And I hope I can do something worth with my life, it's a precious thing that I have, I would certainly not like to waste it!!!!