Saturday, August 16, 2008

Post - Independence

I'd like to thank all those people who've contributed even their least bit in wanting India to be independent of the British rule. Sach, dil se!

And now, like many others, I wonder how independent our nation is. Well, definitely of the British. But not of American economy, to start with. One crash there, and the whole market goes tipsy turvy. This dependency is not unique to India, if I've to console! The whole world's suffered, true. Next?

The next issue is a very common heading in all the newspapers, "Delhi not safe for women!" As if safer in other cities in this country, I wonder. But the national capital, at least, should be secured? Is that what comes to your mind? It's like the wrong-doers here are the most determined lot in the country. It no longer matters to them whether it's day-time or dark, whether a public spot or a secluded one. What can therefore be suggested is that one can only take precautions. No crying, regretting or blaming can defend your mis-hap.
Here, I'd also wish that these girls be accepted in the society, for the sake of their innocence and whatever life they wish to lead. If people can be open minded about talking of legalizing prostitution, they should be equally open minded in general about such issues as well.
Well, next?

I could just not avoid the dirtiest issue of the country. No points for guessing, I jump to politics now. I can't say how our country would have turned up, if the British still ruled our country, keeping in mind the racism and their senseless strictness over all Indian matters. But no freedom fighter, in the wildest of his dreams, could have ever thought of politicians ruining the country till this extent. And why only politics? The inspiration today has moved to the judiciary, the police, each and every government department, posts big or small. Daddy used to say that if Bhagat Singh (or any other freedom fighter for that matter) was to be born as Bhagat Singh in his next life also, he'd anyway commit suicide on seeing such a devastated condition of the country. All hyped up media stunts also bring no government employee to shame. They're all so bloody used to it now, nothing matters to them. A common man today avoids, if not withdraws, any dealing with the government today. He's most scared of the police here, because he's their most easily available target. And huge bribes for a simple F.I.R. You talk of rights?
Any respectable father would fear sending his child to politics. The existing ones have their monopoly. And acceptance is restricted to the ones who can survive in their filth.

The British had to work hard on dividing Hindustan into 2, India and Pakistan. Oh! We have the ones that will only make them proud. The ones who take secret pride in starting religious fights. They sit back, and make sure that the fire keeps burning. I could go on and on about this one, it's so hurting. All I'd like to say is that so many of us believe in God, in some form or the other we call Him by different names, Ganeshji, Shivji, Allah, a divine spirit;


When we have so many religions in our country, why fight? why not pray together for peace and harmony? Each religion is just another path that leads to God. It's okay if we take different routes, as long as we aim the same destination.
For the atheists, I'd want them to meditate at least. The positive vibes would definitely help, and I'm sure they know it.

Sadly, there is no classification of good people and bad people in reality. But when you see people howling and shouting and dying everyday for no fault of theirs, all celebrations seem fake.

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